In addition providing us with this basic information gives Polycom an idea what Software Versions are used in the field and avoids wasting time trying to troubleshoot issues which have already been addressed. The above is also stated in the "Must Read First" and is the absolute minimum requirement every new post should include. This also allows yourself and others to check against current software release notes, Administrator Guides or FAQ post’s. If the response group misinterpreted your response and moved to the next question, you can’t go back and must start from the beginning.It is always useful to include the currently used UC Software version as issues experienced or a question asked may already be addressed in a newer release.Be sure there is not too much noise around you. What can I do if the response group doesn’t properly recognize my voice response? Dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones are detected only after the welcome message has been played.Why didn’t the response group take it into account when I pressed a DTMF tone? Type its SIP address instead for example). The response group hasn’t been replicated to the address book yet.Why can’t I find the response group by typing its name in Lync or Skype for Business? Response groups typically have a voice-mail box that accepts the call. Even if nobody from the group is available to take calls, a response group is always marked as available.If you’re calling a response group Why is the response group marked as available, but nobody answers? You will receive a notification that indicates which agent answered the call. Why did I receive a response group call that rang and then suddenly stopped? To refresh the list, try signing out and signing back in. The list of response groups is updated only at sign-in and then every hour thereafter. You can make calls on behalf of your anonymous response groups only.Why can’t I see some of my response groups in the “On Behalf Of” drop-down list? Have your support team remove the anonymous flag from the workflow. You can share desktops only as a member of a standard response group. This capability is not supported for anonymous response groups.Why can’t I share my desktop or start a meeting when I’m connected to an anonymous response group? In supervised transfers for anonymous response group agents, call context is transferred only if the transfer is started from the Conversation window with the call context.If call context is incomplete (missing questions, for example), ask the support team to enter a text version for the incomplete items.Call context is sent only for Interactive Groups, not for Hunt Groups. If you’re in a Hunt Group, you won’t get any call context.Why don’t I get any call context with the call, or why is the call context incomplete? There may be a connection issue with the server.Different browsers and/or different machines can affect your ability to sign in.

Make sure you are going to the correct page.Why can’t I sign in to a formal group through the Agent Groups page? If you are still experiencing difficulty, contact the Help Desk for assistance.You may not be a part of the response group in question this information can be confirmed at.To ensure that you’re signed in, go to or, in the Lync/ Skype for Business main window, click the Show Menu arrow, point to Tools, and then click Response Group Settings. If you are in a formal response group where you need to manually sign in before you can take calls, you might not be signed in to the group.For most routing methods, response group agents only receive calls if they are set as Available or Inactive. If you’re an agent Why am I not receiving response group calls? If you’re having issues with response groups, the following guidelines might help you resolve them. On this page you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about response groups in Skype for Business.